We’re really confident you’ll love your product, however we appreciate there may be an occasion where you might need to return something. We are happy to offer an exchange or return within 28 days of delivery, providing everything is returned in perfect condition, including all the original packaging which must also be in pristine condition.

It is up to you to decide how you return your order but we strongly advise you insure your parcel as we cannot credit for goods that are lost or damaged in transit. Please include the relevant paperwork with your parcel, otherwise we will not be able to process your return. Please allow at least 7 working days for us to process your return. On the outside of your package please clearly write the following:


Fieldware Co. The Studio, Orchard Lodge, Rowford, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 8JY

Please contact us if you have any queries at all, we are happy to help and advise.